Thursday, January 19, 2012

Answer 1

1) Controlling your ki
2) Controlling your ki helps your body flow more smoothly; thus making it easier to get behind the person. To perfectly control your ki also allows you to use their momentum to actually take them down without using any of your strength. Using ki is basically what aikido is all about, but it does take numerous hours to figure out how to use and control your ki. To be able to use and master your ki will ultimately make you a master of aikido.
3) The Complete Step-by-step Guide to Martial Arts, Tai Chi and Aikido by Goodman, Fay.
Advanced Aikido by Dang, Phong Thong and Lynn Seiser.

1 comment:

  1. This is good. You'll have to talk about what ki is extensively and how someone would develop it.
