Monday, September 19, 2011

Senior Project Presentation (Rough Draft)

Objective: The students will learn the different ranks in Aikido: from white-black belt.
1) Start off by asking who has studied some kind of martial art and what kind of belt they have. (1 minute).
2) Then I'll talk about how every martial art has ranks/belts and in every dojo the ranks slightly differs (1 minutes).
3) Go over the different types of belts and the order from white-black (2 minutes).
4) Go over the belts and check for understanding by randomly picking a person and they start off by saying white; I then choose a different person they have to say yellow, so on and so forth. (1 minute).
Check for Understanding: I will be checking for understanding by having the class say the belts in order while I pick random people.
Resources/ Materials: I would have to create a list of the belts, either write it on the board or have handouts. My visual would be that list, and possibly I could run to my dojo and see if they have extra belts.


  1. What belt are you now? Make a goal for where you think you can be if you work really hard. I'd like to see that.

    It might be kind of nice to have them know the basic skills that go with each belt.

    It would also be cool if you have actual belts for display or come dressed in your gi. Is that what you call it? Uniform?

  2. I am a brown belt right now, and if I work really hard I'll be black!

    That's a good idea, thanks!

    And I will be trying to get each one of the belts, but not quite sure if I could get a hold of all of them though, if not I'll come dressed in my gi.
